Criminal Lawyer

Zafar Law Firm provides legal advice and protects the rights of individuals facing criminal and quasi-criminal charges in the Ontario Courts. Our firm’s lawyer has capability to defend criminal or quasi-criminal charges before the Court of Law and also capability to deal with Crown Attorney according to your matter.

Skillful representation is provided from the earliest stages of the criminal process through to trial, with an emphasis on client service, professionalism, and zealous advocacy. Every case receives close attention and every available resource is utilized in order to ensure positive results for the client. Counsel’s combination of knowledge and dedication provide for the best quality legal representation possible.

Our Practice Areas

  • Domestic Violence

  • Assault / Sexual Assault

  • Fraud

  • Drug offenses

  • Drinking and driving

If you or someone you know is looking for a criminal lawyer in the GTA please contact..

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Domestic violence, Assault and Sexual assault

We understand the domestic violence, assault and sexual assault matters in between married spouses, common law partners, family members including children and friends, which are reported to police by mistake with angry, provocative and tens circumstances. You may correct your mistake by hiring a lawyer at Zafar Law Firm, who represents you to bring the factual position before the Crown Attorney by effective negotiations and get best solutions in your best interests before trial.

We also represent our client before the Court of Law through initial stage to Preliminary hearing and Trial in criminal charges and defend them according to your matter by our hardworking and legal skill.